Optimising ITN Access in Africa (OPITACA)

Optimising ITN Access in Africa (OPITACA)


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) / International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)






2023 - 2026

The Issue

Despite global efforts of governments and partners, progress against malaria remains uneven. From 2020-2023, Tropical Health collaborated with the Alliance for Malaria Prevention (AMP) on a project funded by BMGF focusing on Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) campaign efficiency. The collaboration yielded key lessons and practical guidance for improving implementation of ITN distributions, yet ITN coverage gaps and implementation challenges persist for the most marginalised communities. OPITACA continues this work by addressing ongoing gaps, with the objective of increasing the use of data and leveraging digital tools for improving the effectiveness of ITN distribution planning, implementation and monitoring.

Tropical Health have been commissioned by IFRC as the monitoring and evaluation partner responsible for analyses and evaluation activities. IFRC are the prime and responsible for campaign guidance development, implementation of mass campaigns, and grant management. Tropical Health’s analyses and evaluations will be used to update guidance disseminated by AMP.

Our Approach

Tropical Health will provide monitoring and evaluation technical assistance across all five workstreams of the project, with a focus on two core areas of delivery. In Workstream 1, we will support evidence generation on the effectiveness of subnational tailoring of ITN distribution strategies, including in urban areas, and lead vector control partners in the revision of online resources for ITN continuous distribution strategies, including updated ITN quantification approaches. In Workstream 4, we will conduct targeted secondary analysis of routine campaign and research data to inform effective operational campaign strategies. Focus topics will include ITN quality, durability and performance, and ITN campaign design and net allocation strategies. We will also contribute to global efforts to develop resources for post-market monitoring of ITNs, in support of WHO guidance.

Our Findings

Findings will be updated as we proceed with the project.